Quickbooks online user tips
Picture of Carmen Leung

Carmen Leung

Carmen is Source Online's Director of Client Services, and holds a Bachelor of Business Administration with a major in Accounting, diplomas in Finance and Accounting, and a certificate in Business Administration.

7 Quickbooks Online Tips From A Bookkeeper

Quickbooks Online is an accounting platform that’s ideal for small and medium-sized businesses. Getting started with the software program does take some training; however, the payout is worth the effort. It is relatively easy to learn, and many entrepreneurs with little bookkeeping experience find it’s a great tool that meets their needs. This is just one of the many reasons Quickbooks Online is best for small business owners.

When Quickbook Online users become familiar with the program, it quickly becomes apparent that there are multiple ways to accomplish a single task! Finding the process that works best for you comes with practice and playing around with the software but, as long-time users of the program, we know a few tips that may help you figure a few things out.

Let’s take a look at eight useful Quickbooks Online tips intended to help small business owners.

QuickBooks Online Keyboard Shortcuts 

While we typically do not recommend shortcuts for a business’s finance management, utilizing keyboard shortcuts to save time while operating Quickbooks Online is okay. Keyboard shortcuts are helpful, easy and can save yourself some time – three things that are always a good thing for small business owners.

Our Favourite Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigating Quickbooks Online

To find the complete list of keyboard shortcuts:

quickbooks online tips

MAC Users: CTRL + OPT + ?

Windows Users: CTRL + ALT + ?

To create an invoice:

MAC Users: CTRL + OPT + I

Windows Users: CTRL + ALT + I 

To create an estimate:

MAC Users: CTRL + OPT + E

Windows Users: CTRL + ALT + E

To receive a payment:

MAC Users: CTRL + OPT + R

Windows Users: CTRL + ALT + R

To find a customer list:

MAC Users: CTRL + OPT + C

Windows Users: CTRL + ALT + C

To access chart of accounts:

MAC Users: CTRL + OPT + A

Windows Users: CTRL + ALT + A

To get help:

MAC Users: CTRL + OPT + H

Windows Users: CTRL + ALT + H

Use Google Chrome 

Quickbooks Online is a cloud-based system, meaning it operates from and stores in a server monitored Quickbooks. Accessing the program requires a good internet connection and a compatible browser.

Google Chrome is best to run Quickbooks Online as it offers the following benefits:

  • Built-in password management to secure your data.
  • Built-in malware and phishing detection.
  • Optimized to run with multiple tabs open.
  • Chrome runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android
  • Very fast.

Other browsers that work with Quickbooks Online include Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.

Automate Recurring Transactions

Automating recurring transactions in Quickbooks will help save time and prevent bookkeeping errors, such as a poorly managed cash flow. Examples of cash transactions that can be automated include:

  • Monthly vendor and subscription fees.
  • Recurring annual payments such as website hosting services.
  • Rent and utility bills

Try Invoicing Automations

Keeping your vendors and service providers paid on time is essential, but so is receiving timely payments from your clients. Prevent missed payments and cheques from arriving in your inbox by setting up automatic invoicing in Quickbooks Online.

Automation’s can be customized to meet your needs and every individual client account. 

Use Attachments

Information pertinent to any transaction should be kept in a centralized location that’s easily accessible to a business owner and their bookkeeping team. Quickbooks Online makes this possible. Users can scan and upload documents to the program, such as receipts, estimates, invoices and payment histories. These can then be connected to their relevant transaction.

Automatic tasking is a wonderful feature that keeps source documents organized and at everyone’s fingertips.

Clear Your Browser Cache

A browser cache is great for making your online experience more efficient and streamlined. It does this by storing snippets of information from web pages you visit that are then automatically reloaded when you re-visit that page or site. However, when working with a cloud-based SaaS, such as Quickbooks Online, where forms and pages need to change, this can lead to problems.

Clearing your browser cache before running Quickbooks Online will help prevent cache-related problems. Signs that it’s time to clear your browser’s cache when running Quickbooks Online include:

  • Forms taking too long to download
  • You’re having difficulty loading certain pages in Quickbooks.
  • Data is not exporting easily (or at all)
  • Quickbooks repeatedly asks you to sign in.

For detailed steps on how to clear your browser’s cache, follow these links:

Keep Multiple Browser Windows Open

Having multiple windows open is a great way to simultaneously reference multiple reports, transactions, or other Quickbooks features in use. Being able to flip back and forth between screens when updating numerous sections of an account is a real time saver!

To open multiple tabs of the same file, simply duplicate the first tab and keep doing so until you have as many tabs open as you need. Duplicate browser tabs by right-clicking on your browser tab at the top of the screen and select “duplicate.”

Want More Small Business Bookkeeping Tips?

Running a small business is no small feat. Keep your bookkeeping tasks on track with tips and advice from bookkeeping professionals who love helping small business owners succeed! For more informative articles, visit our blog. To find out about our small business bookkeeping services, click here.

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